08 May 2009
This past week has been amazing and it's still not over. Although I don't see how it could get any better! So you may be asking yourself right now, well what made this week so phenomenal, well I am going to tell you. But first a long, drawn out story that explains it all. So my story begins on Tuesday, when I went to NYC with my friends Carl and E.J. to see the taping of Jimmy Fallon, and the guest that day was J.J. Abrams. Now if you know me, you may know that I am obsessed with all things J.J. Abrams. If you don't know me, then that translates, as he is one of my favorite directors and creators. I loved Alias and Lost and one of my new obsessions is Fringe. So seeing him in person was surreal. After the taping whilst we were on our way out J.J. happened to be walking on his way out, followed by a mob of course. I got to talk with him for about a second, and I got have my picture taken with him. I was in total fan girl mode. But it was amazing, he was so nice, and when I told him how excited I was about Star Trek, he told me that he hoped I liked it (I did by the way, but more of that later). We actually saw a lot of celebrities during the trip to the city, because we came across a Red Carpet Event, for Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People. There were so many people there that I can't even list them all, but you can see all the photos on facebook and flickr (once I add them). Lastly we met Colin Hanks, which was pretty cool. Right now he is in a play, called 33 Variations, on Broadway with Jane Fonda.

So after that I really didn't think my week could get any better, but then I returned to Northeastern PA, an area that nothing ever happens, only to find out that a movie is being filmed in Carbondale. I heard that a movie was going to film in the area, but honestly I thought something would happen and the plan would fall through, but the cast of crew of Blue Valentine are in the area filming for the next month. The film stars Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. So me and my friend Carl decided to head up to Carbondale to see the film being made on Wednesday, and we were able to meet Michelle Williams. So we went back on Thursday, because we heard that both Michelle and Ryan would be filming, and afterwards we were able to meet Ryan Gosling, which was pretty awesome.

So these past three days have been pretty awesome. I can't wait to see what the next few weeks have in store for me.
JJ Abrams,
Ryan Gosling,
Upcoming Films
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