Tonight was the premiere of the new show FlashForward, starring Joseph Fiennes, John Cho, and Sonya Walger (Penny from Lost). The show centers on a global event that causes everyone in the world to blackout for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. During this time everyone sees their future, what they will be doing 6 months in the future. After the event occurs, the world is left in chaos, people are left wondering what they saw, while others are injured or dead, due to accidents occurring during the blackout.

At first the only blackout the audience sees is that of FBI agent, Mark Benford (Fiennes) but as the show progresses we see the futures of the some of the other characters. By the end of the episode, many of the characters are questioning what they saw, and if they can change their future. There is definitely a lot of mystery to the show, and I personally can't wait for some questions to be answered, especially after how the pilot ended. I look forward to watching this show the rest of the season.