28 December 2005

Kong is the King this season!!!

The best movie this Holiday season is not even an original movie, it is a remake. King Kong is the must see movie this holiday season. I was excited when I first saw the trailer for kong, but the original was so good and way ahead of its time, that I didn't know if I would like this one. The movie is not the same as the 1933 version; the storyline has been changed a bit, especially the fact that the run time is around 3 hours, whereas the original was only an hour and 45 minutes long.

Naomi Watts and Adrian Brody

The film focuses on a film crew from the 1930’s on there way to Skull Island to shoot a movie, where they encounter Kong as well as prehistoric animals, abnormally huge insects and arachnids, and other creatures. This version with Peter Jackson at the helm, has a stellar cast including Adrian Brody, Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Thomas Kretschmann, Andy Serkis, Jamie Bell, Colin Hanks, and Evan Parke. Also Andy Serkis did the movements for Kong, similarly to how he did Gollum/Smeagol. The CGI Kong looked amazing as well as all the other creatures. Also the action sequences were remarkable considering a lot of the movie was filmed using green screen. The actors all did wonderful job, and the movie was phenomenal. Some people have been complaining over the characters of Jimmy and Mr. Hayes (played by Jamie Bell and Evan Parke) saying that they were unnecessary. I for one liked those characters, and thought that the added to the overall quality of the film. Bell was a scene stealer, when he was in the shot you couldn't help but notice him. (I'm a big Jamie Bell fan, but even people that I have talked to felt the same way).

Jamie Bell, who gained faim from Billy Elliot, will gain more attention with this role.

The one thing that I didn’t like about the film was how the death of Kong was much longer, all the other scenes being longer wasn’t so bad, but it’s a shame to see Kong die and I always hated that part in the original. Also towards the end it seemed to be dragging on, most likely because I was anticipating Kongs death. If you are only going to see one movie this holiday season, then it should be Kong, the movie was made for the big screen, and trust me, you won’t feel as though your money has gone to waste, its well worth the admission price

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