21 April 2008

NY Comic-Con

So I attended NY Comic-Con on Saturday with my friend Carl and what an amazing day it was. I attended a few different panels, met a few celebrities, got introduced to some new comics and had an amazing time. So here are the highlights.

Before even getting into the con the excitement started. While waiting to get in, making our way closer to the entrance Stan Lee walked by. It was amazing to see him (although I only caught a glimpse because I am short) and the crowd went crazy.

The first panel that I went to was the Disney Panel for Wall-E and The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. The Wall-E clips were great, and it made me really look forward to the film. The Narnia panel was great. William Moseley, Ben Barnes, Peter Dinklage, and the producer of the film. The cast was great, there were a lot of funny moments and some interesting questions asked to the cast members. However some of the questions lasted forever, and people were basically saying how much they loved the books and hoped that the film didn't ruin the books. But otherwise it was a great panel, and I am looking forward to seeing the film.

The next panel was the Sci-Fi panel for Battlestar Galactica. I had never watched the show before, but after listening to some of the panel I will have to start watching the show.

After then panels we went up to the convention floor. I walked around looking at some of the new comics and seeing who was signing at the different tables. I found out the time for the Milo Ventimiglia autograph session, and I found out about some interesting new comics from Marvel. I have to mention Secret Invasion because it is my new favorite comic series. It is a comic event, and I after receiving the first issue for free at the con, I can not wait for the next issue. Also while walking around I made it to the DC area and saw the new figurines for Watchmen and The Dark Knight. Wow they are amazing except there was no figurine for Doctor Manhattan and that is the one character that I really want to see.

Afterward I went to the Milo Ventimiglia signing for Devil's Due Publishing. He was a really nice guy, and was very friendly with all of his fans. After his signing we went to lunch and after lunch we went to the Devil's Due Publishing panel, where Milo talked about his new comic, Rest. The comic sounds very interesting and I look forward to reading it in August when it drops.

After this panel there was a lot more walking, and I caught a glimpse of Frank Miller who was promoting The Spirit. 

The final panel that I went to was for Starship Troopers 3: Marauder. I had really enjoyed the first Starship Troopers film, and I had never seen the second one, so I didn't have the highest expectations for this film. But I was very surprised at how good the film looked. The bugs look amazing and there are some new bugs that are huge. Also some of the sequences look great. Not only does it look like a good action film, but there is also a lot of comedy in it. It could be a cult classic like the original. I hope it gets a nationwide release because I would really like to see the film. The cast afterward did a signing and took pictures with fans. They were all so nice, and really great with their fans. 

Well thats all I have to say about the con. Here are some pictures:

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