Dollhouse has been on a roll lately. The show just seems to be getting better and better. I started watching the show, because it was a Joss Whedon show and one of the stars was Tahmoh Penikett (Helo from Battlestar Galactica), but the show has exceeded my expectations.

This past weeks episode focused on life after death. How the dollhouse could be used to bring a person back to life in the body of another person. In the episode Adelle's friend is killed, and is brought back to life in Echo's body to see what happens to her family and friend after her death. While witnessing her own viewing and seeing how family is behaving, she starts to piece together her own death to figure out who murdered her. Also in the episode, Topher needed an active for a special engagement, however it turned out that he only needed the active for a friend on his birthday. Appearently Adelle allows him once a year, to have an active be an actual friend to him, so that he can have an enjoyable birthday. Lastly, Paul Ballard investigated Mellie's past. He tried to distance himself from Mellie, without letting anyone know that she is a doll. He was able to learn some of Mellie;s secret identities, only to have all the information erased. Paul also had a hard time being with her, he is disgusted with the dollhouse, and therefore disgusted with himself for taking advantage of Mellie by being with her.
The episode was intriguing, it showed us a different sides of many of the characters. The audience saw a different side of Adelle, a side of her resevered for her firends. We also saw a more vulnerable side of her because she had to deal with the death of her friend, and walk a fine line within the company, because she was questioned by Boyd about what she was doing, and she still had to help her friend. Topher was also shown in a different light. He is usually this out going, sarcastic, lab nerd, however the audience now sees him as a loner, who doesn't even have friends to spend his birthday with. This is such a dark and intersting show, and next weeks preview looks amazing. Also a special guest next week will be Alan Tudyk from Firefly and Serenity, and the episode looks to be filled with action and maybe a few answers. Hope fully the show will get a renewal for next season, even if it is a limited run, because this intriguing story deserves an actual ending.
EDIT: This week is watch Dollhouse week, leading up to the finale this Friday. If you haven't been watching the show, now is the perfect time to start. If you are watching the show, now is the time to get your friends and family hooked. This may help us save this show. Head on over to and enjoy the episodes.
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