23 October 2008

Secret Invasion 7

In Secret Invasion #7 all hell breaks loose in NYC and the battle between the skrulls and heroes is in full swing. This issue had some really standout moments, and one of them involved one of my favorite characters, but I'll get to that later. The action starts out right on the first page of the issue, which is a two-page spread, featuring the beginnings of the battle. Newsarama has a page by page description of entire issue here

One of the standout moments was the arrival of Marvel Boy, who in the name of Captain Mar-Vell and the Kree Empire declares that this fight is over. This serves as almost a second battle call and the Avengers once again charge the skrulls while Thor yells "have at thee." Another interesting moment is when Jessica Jones realizes that Luke was right all along, and decided to join in the battle as Jewel. She leave the baby with Skrull Jarvis, thinking that Danielle will be safe with him. However at the end of the issue he reverts to his true form and tells that baby that the heroes have to submit to the skrulls will. 

Lastly, during the battle, Young Avenger Hawkeye gets hurt and drops her bow and arrow, while the vision, also of the Young Avengers takes her out of the battle. Clint Barton , the former Hawkeye and current Ronin, picks up his old bow and arrows and starts killing skrulls immediately. He hits three in the head immediately. Clint then takes aim at the Skrull Queen and hits her with an arrow right through her face. With this Skrullowjacket realizes that it is time for their end game. Skrullowjacket had given the Wasp a new growth formula which causes her to grow very large and start to glow. At this the major heroes begin to react in pain.

For me the best part of issue was Clint Barton becoming Hawkeye again. There has been a lot of Clint Barton through this series, and he has had to deal with a lot. Prior to this in New Avengers it seemed as though he was starting a relationship with Echo. However while he was in the savage land he ran into Mockingbird and believed her to be his actual wife. However when it was revealed that she was a skrull it broke Clint's heart and he declared that this wouldn't end until every last skrull was dead.  Clint has had to deal with a lot these past few years, and with the Fake Mockingbird, he had a lot of built up anger, and he certainly took it out on the skrulls. Clint is one of my favorite characters and it good to see him with his bow and arrows. 

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