29 November 2008


Twilight is one of the movies that both fans of the book and newcomers to the series can enjoy. In the film Bella (Kristen Stewart) moves from Phoenix Arizona, to the small town of Forks, Washington. At her local high school, Bella fits right in, making friends and even getting the attention of some of the boys. She immediately notices Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and his family. The entire family is eerily white and all of them are beautiful, with golden eyes that seem to change color. Her first encounter with Edward does not go well, he looks at her as if he hates her. However, that is not the case, instead it is that she is so appealing to him, that he wants to drink her blood, because he is a vampire.  Although he fights his temptation, even telling her to stay away from him because he is dangerous, he realizes that he is in love with her and those feelings are mutual. There are however darker forces at work, including bad vampires, who unlike the Cullens, who hunt animals to quench there bloodlust, hunt humans, killing a few of the local townspeople. She not only has to deal with them but, the local Indian tribe as well. The indians are descendants of the wolf, and are enemies of the vampires and while the youngest child Jacob (Tyler Lautner) seems to like Bella his father seems to be keeping a watchful eye on her. 

This film was very enjoyable, there were a few laughs, some inside jokes for fans of the books, and some excellent action scenes. The end of the film while resolving the main storyline, hints at what is to come in future installments. I look forward to the sequel to this film, and hopefully film adaptations for the rest of the series.

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