06 November 2009
SDCC 2010
Well it looks like I will be attending San Diego Comic-Con next year. I was able to get a four day pass right before they sold out today, so I'm super excited that I'll be attending for my 3rd year in a row. Last year I had an amazing time at the convention, so I can't wait for next years con.
24 September 2009
Tonight was the premiere of the new show FlashForward, starring Joseph Fiennes, John Cho, and Sonya Walger (Penny from Lost). The show centers on a global event that causes everyone in the world to blackout for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. During this time everyone sees their future, what they will be doing 6 months in the future. After the event occurs, the world is left in chaos, people are left wondering what they saw, while others are injured or dead, due to accidents occurring during the blackout. 

At first the only blackout the audience sees is that of FBI agent, Mark Benford (Fiennes) but as the show progresses we see the futures of the some of the other characters. By the end of the episode, many of the characters are questioning what they saw, and if they can change their future. There is definitely a lot of mystery to the show, and I personally can't wait for some questions to be answered, especially after how the pilot ended. I look forward to watching this show the rest of the season.
27 August 2009
Wrath of Con Party
Here are a few pictures from the Wrath of Con Party. It was an awesome event, definitely a highlight of the convention for me.

Masi Oka from Heroes and Myself
Zachary Levi from Chuck
The Guys from the Ben 10 Movie
Aita Briem
Sam Huntington
Ed Brubaker, Zoe Bell and Myself
Ryan McPartlin from Chuck
Ryan McPartlin, Mark Christopher Lawrence and Myself
Alison Haislip, Myself and Chris Hardwick
Kevin Sorbo, Myself and Chuck Lorre
Jess, Kunal Nayyar, and Myself
30 June 2009
In a little less then a month, I will be heading to San Diego Comic-Con. I hope to be able to update this site, with interesting news from the con. I will also be updating twitter a lot during the convention, so if you want to be update on the latest happenings at SDCC make sure you visit my twitter page.
Early press releases from various studios and networks are already appearing online. Some of the shows attending this years convention are: Dexter, Caprica, BSG: The Plan, Eureka, The Big Bang Theory, Dollhouse, Bones, Chuck, Supernatural, Smallville, Heroes, Sanctuary, Lost, Family Guy, True Blood, Fringe, Doctor Who, Torchwood and many others.
A few films have announced SDCC premieres, as well as panels. Peter Jackson will be making his first SDCC appearance whilst promoting the film District 9. There will be a New Moon panel, the sequel to Twilight. Warner Brothers has confirmed some of the films that will have panels, howerver the talent attending the panels has not been confirmed yet. Some of the films are: Sherlock Holmes, The Box, Where the Wild Things Are, Jonah Hex, The Final Destination, and others.
This SDCC marks the 40th anniversary of the convention and with all the announcements it seems like the convention is going to be great.
Early press releases from various studios and networks are already appearing online. Some of the shows attending this years convention are: Dexter, Caprica, BSG: The Plan, Eureka, The Big Bang Theory, Dollhouse, Bones, Chuck, Supernatural, Smallville, Heroes, Sanctuary, Lost, Family Guy, True Blood, Fringe, Doctor Who, Torchwood and many others.
This SDCC marks the 40th anniversary of the convention and with all the announcements it seems like the convention is going to be great.
08 May 2009
This past week has been amazing and it's still not over. Although I don't see how it could get any better! So you may be asking yourself right now, well what made this week so phenomenal, well I am going to tell you. But first a long, drawn out story that explains it all. So my story begins on Tuesday, when I went to NYC with my friends Carl and E.J. to see the taping of Jimmy Fallon, and the guest that day was J.J. Abrams. Now if you know me, you may know that I am obsessed with all things J.J. Abrams. If you don't know me, then that translates, as he is one of my favorite directors and creators. I loved Alias and Lost and one of my new obsessions is Fringe. So seeing him in person was surreal. After the taping whilst we were on our way out J.J. happened to be walking on his way out, followed by a mob of course. I got to talk with him for about a second, and I got have my picture taken with him. I was in total fan girl mode. But it was amazing, he was so nice, and when I told him how excited I was about Star Trek, he told me that he hoped I liked it (I did by the way, but more of that later). We actually saw a lot of celebrities during the trip to the city, because we came across a Red Carpet Event, for Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People. There were so many people there that I can't even list them all, but you can see all the photos on facebook and flickr (once I add them). Lastly we met Colin Hanks, which was pretty cool. Right now he is in a play, called 33 Variations, on Broadway with Jane Fonda.

So after that I really didn't think my week could get any better, but then I returned to Northeastern PA, an area that nothing ever happens, only to find out that a movie is being filmed in Carbondale. I heard that a movie was going to film in the area, but honestly I thought something would happen and the plan would fall through, but the cast of crew of Blue Valentine are in the area filming for the next month. The film stars Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. So me and my friend Carl decided to head up to Carbondale to see the film being made on Wednesday, and we were able to meet Michelle Williams. So we went back on Thursday, because we heard that both Michelle and Ryan would be filming, and afterwards we were able to meet Ryan Gosling, which was pretty awesome.

So these past three days have been pretty awesome. I can't wait to see what the next few weeks have in store for me.
JJ Abrams,
Ryan Gosling,
Upcoming Films
27 April 2009
Chuck vs. the Ring

This episode of Chuck was the best episode of the season, possibly the series. So much happened in the episode, I can't believe that it was only an hour long. It felt like so much happened. The ending of the episode was very open and at the end it said "to be continued." Some of the jaw dropping parts of the episode were (Spoiler Alert):
- That Chuck's dad has an intersect in his head.
- The is another group after the intersect, once that is worse then Fulcrum and that has infiltrated the CIA.
- Unknown changes were made to the new intersect.
- A dying Bryce asks Chuck to destroy the newly created intersect, however, Chuck decides that he was meant to work with the Government and re-downloads the intersect into his head.
- After flashing on bad guys and pictures of Kung Fu, it seems that Chuck is able to do Kung Fu.

24 April 2009
Dollhouse: Haunted
Dollhouse has been on a roll lately. The show just seems to be getting better and better. I started watching the show, because it was a Joss Whedon show and one of the stars was Tahmoh Penikett (Helo from Battlestar Galactica), but the show has exceeded my expectations.
This past weeks episode focused on life after death. How the dollhouse could be used to bring a person back to life in the body of another person. In the episode Adelle's friend is killed, and is brought back to life in Echo's body to see what happens to her family and friend after her death. While witnessing her own viewing and seeing how family is behaving, she starts to piece together her own death to figure out who murdered her. Also in the episode, Topher needed an active for a special engagement, however it turned out that he only needed the active for a friend on his birthday. Appearently Adelle allows him once a year, to have an active be an actual friend to him, so that he can have an enjoyable birthday. Lastly, Paul Ballard investigated Mellie's past. He tried to distance himself from Mellie, without letting anyone know that she is a doll. He was able to learn some of Mellie;s secret identities, only to have all the information erased. Paul also had a hard time being with her, he is disgusted with the dollhouse, and therefore disgusted with himself for taking advantage of Mellie by being with her.
The episode was intriguing, it showed us a different sides of many of the characters. The audience saw a different side of Adelle, a side of her resevered for her firends. We also saw a more vulnerable side of her because she had to deal with the death of her friend, and walk a fine line within the company, because she was questioned by Boyd about what she was doing, and she still had to help her friend. Topher was also shown in a different light. He is usually this out going, sarcastic, lab nerd, however the audience now sees him as a loner, who doesn't even have friends to spend his birthday with. This is such a dark and intersting show, and next weeks preview looks amazing. Also a special guest next week will be Alan Tudyk from Firefly and Serenity, and the episode looks to be filled with action and maybe a few answers. Hope fully the show will get a renewal for next season, even if it is a limited run, because this intriguing story deserves an actual ending.
EDIT: This week is watch Dollhouse week, leading up to the finale this Friday. If you haven't been watching the show, now is the perfect time to start. If you are watching the show, now is the time to get your friends and family hooked. This may help us save this show. Head on over to watchdollhouseweek.com and enjoy the episodes.

The episode was intriguing, it showed us a different sides of many of the characters. The audience saw a different side of Adelle, a side of her resevered for her firends. We also saw a more vulnerable side of her because she had to deal with the death of her friend, and walk a fine line within the company, because she was questioned by Boyd about what she was doing, and she still had to help her friend. Topher was also shown in a different light. He is usually this out going, sarcastic, lab nerd, however the audience now sees him as a loner, who doesn't even have friends to spend his birthday with. This is such a dark and intersting show, and next weeks preview looks amazing. Also a special guest next week will be Alan Tudyk from Firefly and Serenity, and the episode looks to be filled with action and maybe a few answers. Hope fully the show will get a renewal for next season, even if it is a limited run, because this intriguing story deserves an actual ending.
EDIT: This week is watch Dollhouse week, leading up to the finale this Friday. If you haven't been watching the show, now is the perfect time to start. If you are watching the show, now is the time to get your friends and family hooked. This may help us save this show. Head on over to watchdollhouseweek.com and enjoy the episodes.
Joss Whedon,
Sci-fi Shows,
Tahmoh Penikett
20 April 2009
Chuck: Help Us Save This Show
It's hard to choose which show to watch Monday nights at 8, there's House MD, The Big Bang Theory, Gossip Girl, and Chuck. Right now Chuck has a 50/50 chance at getting renewed. While I like all the shows, every week I watch Chuck. There is a campaign at Givememyremote.com to try and save Chuck.
Chuck (Zachary Levi) is an average guy and a computer whiz who works as a computer expert for the Nerd Herd at the local Buy More. After downloading a super computer known as the intersect into his brain, he is able to flash on people and weaponry and works with his handlers (Yvonne Strahovski and Adam Baldwin) using the knowledge in his brain to stop the bad guys and protect the US and the World. Chuck also has to deal with his friends and family, whom he often has to protect, and whom often inadvertently interfere with missions.
The show has a great cast and this season has had some amazing recurring guest stars, including: Tony Hale, Jordana Brewster, Scott Bakula, and Chevy Chase. Other guest stars throughout the season included: Michael Clarke Duncan, Melinda Clarke, Nicole Richie, Gary Cole, Dominic Monaghan, and Tricia Helfer.
Everyone should tell there friends about this awesome show, because right now it needs more viewers. NBC has tough decisions to make, because coming the fall Jay Leno will have the 10 o'clock spot every night, so that means that there are less spots for other shows. Chuck deserves another season, and the show needs the help of all the fans to hopefully secure it. On the site there are also postcards to be sent to NBC, as well as different things post on blogs, twitter and facebook. So please join the Nerd Herd and save this awesome show.

The show has a great cast and this season has had some amazing recurring guest stars, including: Tony Hale, Jordana Brewster, Scott Bakula, and Chevy Chase. Other guest stars throughout the season included: Michael Clarke Duncan, Melinda Clarke, Nicole Richie, Gary Cole, Dominic Monaghan, and Tricia Helfer.
Everyone should tell there friends about this awesome show, because right now it needs more viewers. NBC has tough decisions to make, because coming the fall Jay Leno will have the 10 o'clock spot every night, so that means that there are less spots for other shows. Chuck deserves another season, and the show needs the help of all the fans to hopefully secure it. On the site there are also postcards to be sent to NBC, as well as different things post on blogs, twitter and facebook. So please join the Nerd Herd and save this awesome show.
13 April 2009
NYC Trip
I went to NYC this past Saturday with my friends. We hung out around SNL and got to meet some of the cast members again. I love going to SNL and hanging out, the cast is so nice and it's always a good time. We also bumped into Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray, who was really nice. Here are some pics from the evening.
18 February 2009
NY Comic-Con 2009
A few weekends ago I went to NY for Comic-con. I have been so busy with work that I just didn't have the time for this huge post. But I figured I better make some time for this.
The convention was amazing. There was a lot of great programming and a lot of big names in attendance. There was so much to do at the convention and there was not enough time to do it all. Before I realized it, the convention was over and the 3 days had gone by so fast. I didn't even have time to attend a panel til Sunday. I was able to attend the Chuck panel, and they showed some exclusive clips from the second half of the season. I also went to the panel for the Wanted video game. The game looks awesome, has some really cool features and ties into both the film and the book. There was a little mention of the film sequel, only confirming that there is a sequel and no details about the cast or the storyline of the film.
A highlight of the convention for me was meeting Brian M. Bendis. It was great meeting him, because I really did enjoy reading Secret Invasion. I also met John Noble from Fringe and he was really nice. Fringe is easily one of the favorite new shows, and Dr. Walter Bishop is the best part of the show, so it was really great meeting him. I was also interviewed for the Fringe Podcast so that was pretty cool as well.
Lastly at the end of the day on Sunday, while walking down Artist Alley, I bumped into Tahmoh Penikett from Battlestar Galactica. It was amazing because I was unable to attend the Dollhouse Panel, and I didn't want to go the convention center at 3 in the morning for tickets to the signing, so it amazing that I just bumped into him. He was so nice, and he even took a picture with me. Being a big fan of BSG I was ecstatic.
So onto the pictures. I posted a bunch of other pictures on my Flickr site, so feel free to look at them there or on facebook. I may post more of the them here if I have the time.

The convention was amazing. There was a lot of great programming and a lot of big names in attendance. There was so much to do at the convention and there was not enough time to do it all. Before I realized it, the convention was over and the 3 days had gone by so fast. I didn't even have time to attend a panel til Sunday. I was able to attend the Chuck panel, and they showed some exclusive clips from the second half of the season. I also went to the panel for the Wanted video game. The game looks awesome, has some really cool features and ties into both the film and the book. There was a little mention of the film sequel, only confirming that there is a sequel and no details about the cast or the storyline of the film.
A highlight of the convention for me was meeting Brian M. Bendis. It was great meeting him, because I really did enjoy reading Secret Invasion. I also met John Noble from Fringe and he was really nice. Fringe is easily one of the favorite new shows, and Dr. Walter Bishop is the best part of the show, so it was really great meeting him. I was also interviewed for the Fringe Podcast so that was pretty cool as well.
Lastly at the end of the day on Sunday, while walking down Artist Alley, I bumped into Tahmoh Penikett from Battlestar Galactica. It was amazing because I was unable to attend the Dollhouse Panel, and I didn't want to go the convention center at 3 in the morning for tickets to the signing, so it amazing that I just bumped into him. He was so nice, and he even took a picture with me. Being a big fan of BSG I was ecstatic.
So onto the pictures. I posted a bunch of other pictures on my Flickr site, so feel free to look at them there or on facebook. I may post more of the them here if I have the time.
Comic Conventions,
Tahmoh Penikett
25 January 2009
SAG Award Winners
Here are the Winners from tonight's Screen Actors Guild Awards:
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series: Tina Fey for 30 Rock
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin for 30 Rock
Outstanding Performance by a Ensemble Cast in a Comedy Series: 30 Rock
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role: Kate Winslet for The Reader
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series: Hugh Laurie for House
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series: Sally Field for Brothers and Sisters
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble Cast in a Drama Series: Mad Men
Life Achievement Award: James Earl Jones
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Mini-Series: Laura Linney for John Adams
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Mini-Series: Paul Giamatti for John Adams
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role: Meryl Streep for Doubt
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role: Sean Penn for Milk
Outstanding Performance by an Cast in a Motion Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series: Tina Fey for 30 Rock
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin for 30 Rock
Outstanding Performance by a Ensemble Cast in a Comedy Series: 30 Rock
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role: Kate Winslet for The Reader
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series: Hugh Laurie for House
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series: Sally Field for Brothers and Sisters
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble Cast in a Drama Series: Mad Men
Life Achievement Award: James Earl Jones
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Mini-Series: Laura Linney for John Adams
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Mini-Series: Paul Giamatti for John Adams
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role: Meryl Streep for Doubt
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role: Sean Penn for Milk
Outstanding Performance by an Cast in a Motion Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
11 January 2009
Golden Globe Winners 2009
Here are the winners from tonights Golden Globe Awards:
Best Motion Picture - Drama: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Motion Picture - Musical/Comedy: Vicky Christina Barcelona
Best Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama : Micky Rourke for The Wrestler
Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama: Kate Winslett for Revolutionary Road
Best Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy: Colin Farrell for In Bruges
Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy: Sally Hawkins for Happy-Go-Lucky
Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture: Kate Winslett for The Reader
Best Director - Motion Picture: Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Original Song - Motion Picture: The Wrestler
Best Original Score - Motion PIcture: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Animated Film: Wall-E
Best Foreign Language Film: Waltz with Bashir
Best Television Series - Drama: Mad Men
Best Television Series - Musical/Comedy: 30 Rock
Best Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television: John Adams
Best Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV: Paul Giamatti for John Adams
Best Actress in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for TV: Laura Linney for John Adams
Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series - Musical/Comedy: Alec Baldwin for 30 Rock
Best Performance by an Acrtress in a TV Series - Musical/Comedy: Tina Fey for 30 Rock
Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series - Drama: Gabriel Byrne for In Treatment
Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series - Drama: Anna Paquin for True Blood
Best Performance by a Supporting Actor in a TV Series/Mini-Series/Motion Picture Made for TV: Tom Wilkinson for John Adams
Best Performance by a Supporting Actress in a TV Series/Mini-Series/Motion Picture Made for TV: Laura Dern for Recount
06 January 2009
New York Comic- Con
Well NY Comic-con is right around the corner...in fact it's 1 month away today. And this convention is shaping up to be great. The guest list is awesome and some attending artists and writers are: Grant Morrison, Brian Bendis, Jim Lee, Geoff Johns, J.G. Jones, David Finch, Matt Fraction, Ben Templesmith, Leinil Yu, Dave Gibbons, Alex Maleev, Andy Lanning, Dan Abnett, Gabriele Del'Otto. It has also recently been announce that Robot Chicken creators, Seth Green & Matthew Senreich will also be attending, they will be hosting a panel with special guests Breckin Meyer, Geoff Johns and Kevin Shinick, on saturday.
For more information on the convention visit: nycomiccon.com
For the latest news on the convention visit: mediumatlarge.net
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