04 January 2006

DVD to See: Undertow

Well I know that this DVD came out quite a while ago, but I didn’t have this blog then so I’m going to talk about it now. Well I watched Undertow again, starring Jamie Bell, Josh Lucas, and Dermot Mulroney. I haven’t seen it for a long time so I decided to watch it again. Well I actually watched it twice, the second time listening to commentary and with subtitles. The commentary by Bell and director David Gordon Green, was very interesting, it discussed why they used certain shots and interesting facts that happened during filming. I also watched Under the Undertow, which was basically a production diary.

Jamie Bell as Chris in Undertow

Josh Lucas as Deel

Well enough about that, time to talk about the film. I love this film, it is so visually appealing. I love how Green was able to incorporate freeze frames, and also he repeated sequences in different tints. For example in the beginning of the film when Bell’s character is throwing a rock through a window they show him throwing it a couple of times and in different tints. This movie is so good, and I would recommend watching it with some of the commentary and the making of, it has a really good story, which I didn’t even mention. Well here is a little summary from imdb.com “The Munns, father John (Mulroney) and sons Chris (Bell) and Tim (Alan), recede to the woods of rural Georgia. Their life together is forever changed with the arrival of Uncle Deel (Lucas), though the tragedy that follows forces troubled Chris to become a man.” So go out and watch this movie, it’s worth the time.

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