20 June 2008

Doctor Who

This season of Doctor Who has been one of my favorites. I love the way this series has been written, especially how Donna and the Doctor interact with each other. That said I can't wait for the finale, it's shaping up to be one of the best ever. 

(Spoilers for Season 4)

This season started out with a jaw dropping ender to the first episode, with Rose showing up and Donna talking to her. The minute I saw Rose (after I stopped freaking out of course) I knew that this season would be amazing. The episodes have been very good, and I love how in every episode someone mistakes the Doctor and Donna for being a couple. I've liked all of the Doctor's companions. Rose was great and I was really sad when she got trapped in the parallel universe, but I think it added more to the Doctor and the pain that he always carries with him. Martha was a great character because she helped the Doctor get over the loss of Rose, and you couldn't help but feel bad for her, because the Doctor did not see her as a romantic interest (and who could blame her for liking him!) That said, Donna is easily becoming one of my favorite companions, she is just hilarious, and I attribute that to Catherine 
Tate. She is so talented and she brings so much to the show, I really hope that she sticks around for next year. Even with all that Donna has seen (Pompeii being destroyed, the pain of the Ood, her granddad nearly being killed by the Sontaran's, etc) she is still cheery and wants to continue traveling with the Doctor and seeing the universe. She is a great companion for him.

I have to mention the wonderful job that David Tennant has been doing this season (He does a great job every season, I know). We have seen a new side to the Doctor. This season had a lot of ups and downs for the Doctor. In Voyage of the Damned he found a new companion in Astrid, only to lose her when she sacrificed herself to save him. He then met up with Donna again, and finally had someone to travel throughout time and space with. Next in order to save the world he had to destroy the city of Pompeii, and in one of his darker moments he refused to save anyone, including the family that he got to know while he was there (until Donna pleaded with him to save one family, and he gave in). Next he freed the Ood from a life of servitude, and could hear their sad song. Later on in the season, he reproduced and had a daughter, only to lose her as well. It has been a hard year for the Doctor and coming up he will once again have to face off against his greatest enemy... the Daleks.

So all of the his brings me to the finale. It appears as those all of the Doctors companions from the past 4 seasons will be involved in the finale, and a few new ones as well. Sarah Jane, Mickey, Jackie, Rose, Martha, Captain Jack, and Donna will all be involved in the finale. Also included in the finale will be Ianto Jones and Gwen Cooper from Torchwood (The Doctor Who spin-off). Also appearing will Harriet Jones Prime Minister or MP for Flydale North (I know, but I couldn't resist doing her title joke). The last time we saw the former PM she was saying that she was fit for office, but we all know that the Master became the new PM. So it will be interesting to see what happened to Harriet Jones.

I am so excited for the finale, I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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